In recognition of his exemplary contributions to laying the theoretical foundation for the description of transport processes through and along the dividing surface between two dissimilar media and the development and refinement of computational techniques for the analysis of data from complex systems. This has been applied in the analysis of laser data, extra cellular recordings from the medicinal leech, human electromyograms (EMG) and electroencephalograms (EEG) and vasomotion data from monkeys, among others. He has been involved in Philippine science as a United Nations Development Programme consultant at the National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman, in 1986, then in 1996 at the Centre for Fluid Dynamics, UP Los BaƱos and at UP Baguio. As a Department of Science and Technology Balik Scientist in 2008 and 2009, he conducted workshops at the Mindanao State University -Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT) and started mentoring graduate students and conducting collaborative research. In addition to the 58 students he had mentored and graduated in US universities, he has graduated 4 MS students at MSU-IIT and continues his service to the nation in developing much needed human resources in mathematics and physics.
Birthdate: August 2, 1939
Died: December 11, 2023
Educational Background:
B. S. Physics - University of the Philippines Diliman 1959
M. S. Physics - University of Iowa, USA 1964
Ph. D. Physics - State University New York, USA 1969
Research Insterest:
Nonlinear dynamics, Complex Systems
Development and refinement of algortihms for the calculation of quantitaive measures of complex spatial and temporal behavior and for the identification and classification of complex systems.
Studies of the feasibility of using measures of complex behavior as disagnostics tools, to characterize changes in behavior induced by pathology or changes in experimental conditions, and to compare experimentally observed behavior with predictions of mathematical models
Honors and Awards Received:
2012 - Corresponding Member - National Academy of Science and Technology
2006 - Severino and Paz Koh Lecturer in Science - Philippine-American Academy of Science and Engineering
2005 - Mary Patterson Mcpherson Award for Excellence - Bryn Mawr College
1998 - Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring (Awarded to Bryn Mawr College Physics Department by U.S. President Bill Clinton
1996 - Pennsylvania Professior of the Year - Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement and Support of Education
1996 - Award for Distinguised Teaching - Christian F and Mary S. Lindback Foundation